Acupuncture Nottingham
Nottingham Acupuncturists
Louise and Tony both qualified from the Northern College of Acupuncture, and have over 40 years clinical experience between them. They are both registered members of the British Acupuncture Council – the UK’s largest professional regulatory body for the practice of Acupuncture.
Acupuncture is one of the longest established forms of healthcare in the world. Our treatments focus on you as an individual, not your illness, and all symptoms are seen in relation to each other. Acupuncture involves the insertion of very fine needles into specific points on the body to affect the flow of your body’s qi or vital energy.
A growing body of evidence-based clinical research is discovering how the body responds to acupuncture and its benefits for a wide range of common health conditions. A lot of people have acupuncture to relieve specific aches and pains, such as osteoarthritis of the knee, TMJ, headaches and low back pain, or for common health problems. Other people choose acupuncture when they can feel their bodily functions are out of balance, but they have no obvious diagnosis. And many have regular treatments because they find it so beneficial and relaxing.
Acupuncture can benefit patients with simple or complex conditions.
If you are taking conventional drugs, acupuncture can support you at the same as receiving NHS treatment.
Louise’s clinics are Monday, Thursday and Friday.
Tony’s clinics are Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
If you have any questions about what treatment involves, how many sessions you may need and what we can treat please contact us and we will be happy to give a personal reply.