Tony Orridge  Dip.Ac., MBAcC, ITEC

Tony has been practising from the Magnolia Therapy Centre (formerly the Nottingham Natural Health Centre) since 1987. Initially focusing on sports massage then extending his practice to acupuncture after qualifying from the Northern College of Acupuncture, York, in 1995. He is a full member of the British Acupuncture Council.

Tony has over twenty years’ acupuncture experience, completing further training with international clinicians including Professor Micheal  Dooley and Jane Lyttleton (Fertility and IVF) at the Royal College of Physicicans, Debra Betts and Sarah Budd (Pregnancy), and Julian Scott (paediatric acupuncture).

Tony has experience in treating a very wide range of acute and chronic conditions,  and has a special interest in treating.

Tony is not currently taking on new patients.

Menstrual conditions eg. period pain or infrequent/excessive periods

Recent reviews of randomised controlled trials have shown acupuncture and acupressure provide significantly more pain relief than pharmacological treatments.  Treatments can also be designed to help regulate your menstrual cycle.

Fertility, IVF and pregnancy

The aim of acupuncture is to create the optimal conditions for fertility and where necessary support the IVF process. Here are some testimonials from couples who turned to acupuncture to help them conceive.

Muscular skeletal conditions, eg. back pain, joint problems, muscle pain

Treatments often include a combination of sports massage with acupuncture to more accurately target the area to be treated. Acupuncture can help back pain by:

  • providing pain relief
  • reducing inflammation
  • improving muscle stiffness and joint mobility
  • reducing the use of medication for back complaints.
  • providing a more cost-effective treatment over a longer period of time
  • improving the outcome when added to conventional treatments such as rehabilitation exercises.

Babies and children

Babies and children often have skin and digestive disorders amongst many other conditions, the symptoms of which can be alleviated with acupuncture. Using extremely fine needles and a gentle technique Tony has many years of experience of treating babies from six months to children of sixteen years.